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Hey Don: I thought Ron and the Creation Lightship was having a party and I didn't get my invite LOL! Keep up the great work Don. You are doing an amazing job. Regards, - P.S. Great question the other night on Seafood/Shellfish & allergies the other night. I will be loading up on kelp now. ~ Caroline Best

That's GREAT! I'm thinking you were probably working 16 hours a day maintaining because there is sooooo much info on here......great site I just LOVE it and have been terlling people about it. i hope they get subscriptions too!! Thanks again! ~ Elizabeth C.

Hi, I listen to your station as a result of listening to News for the Soul (Nicole). I went to the BBS station and now I listen almost every day late evening. I enjoy listening to the different programs. Thank you for being a bright spot in my life. ~ Stella King from Wiggins, Mississippi

Dear Douglas, You have made my week! It is always extremely gratifying whenever someone tells me that they enjoyed some of my songs. It is especially gratifying because I think that BBSRadio is superior to many other online radio stations, both in the way it is organized and in its programming. I have said exactly this on my home website and have placed a link back to your fine station. I hope that my visitors will check you out. And thanks again! ~ Michael Dyer

WooHoo Doug & Don! I like what you lads are saying right now! I appreciate that Doug stops Don whilst he's saying 'Jesus', and stating that it's 'consciousness'. I'm going to dare to say that I regard 'Jesus' as a symbol and it's wonderful when others can rise above having to give a name to a source of what's being channelled. Hugs to both of you, ~ Rev. Juliet Nightingale

Much thanks to you two....your efforts make a difference. great love great light great bbs. regards ~ Karen c.p.r. Zero Point Center, Kars Ont. Can.

Dear Bro Don and BBS, You've surely evolved into one heck of a totally beautiful website! The colours and design is so aethically encaptivating and pleasing - Incredulous! In my humble opinion, everything is excellent in every respect! ~ Nathaniel x

Thanks for providing BBS Radio. I've recently found it thru paltalk and your service is most dearly appreciated. Thanks very much & I wish you and your team all the success in the world. ~ D'Arcy Emery

I just love talking to you Don...ya know that--I don't want to be a bother...however. I do listen to your show too prior to Dr. Bell's. We did meet with Steve Barish and we've become good friends. We're actually going to see him again in a couple weeks. I'm looking forward to booking space for Dr. Bell's next seminar at his home. I am wanting to get involved and help our planet and people. Thanks Don....smiles, love and well wishes to ALL! ~ Marjorie Cole from Willoughby, OH

Second, I am very proud to listen to BBS Radio , being a member of the quantum family... Truely yours: ~ Gilles Therrien from P.Quebec, Canada

Thank you for your newsletter. I so much enjoy the New Age theme. The reason that I have subscribed to your newsletter recently is that I have heard through the Metaphyscial grapevine that you are soon to have an interview with my favorite Author, VICKIE L. HIGH, who wrote one of the best books I ever Read, HEART2HEART CONNECTIONS. Will the time be featured in your newsletter, if not, could you please let me know when it is so I can be sure to tune in...I missed her on Oprah and I want to be sure that I don't miss this one too. Sincerely Yours, ~ Leila Bronson

Thanks again for taking the time to reply and explain. Courtesy like that goes a long, long way. ~ Joe Ivory from Napa, CA

Thanks for providing BBS Radio. I've recently found it thru paltalk and your service is most dearly appreciated. Just listening to Jasmine's radio program that wrapped up a few minutes ago I've listening to Universal Spiritual Connection ... was out of the ordinary in a refreshing sort of way. The same is true of Michael Gogger's program which I've happened across in past... Thanks very much & I wish you and your team all the success in the world. ~ D'Arcy Emery"

Hello! I bumped to your site through Google, and want to tell you what a wonderful resource it is. It's a shame we don't have sites like yours anymore... I literally spent a hour reading everything in your site.. so much information.. lol. I'd be more than willing to contribute. Thanks and keep up the great work! God Bless ^_^ Love, ~ Wendy Smith

Thx for your quick reply. I really like what you are doing with BBS and appreciate your delivery of all the programming. Keep up the good work. I tell people to get on your webpage and listen in. I think we need more of this type of information. I do wish you were on satellite SIRIUS…as I think you would really offer the public a more “refreshing” perspective than all the “sugar coated” crap that is always airing. We Americans do need to wake up!!!! Thanks again. ~ Ethel Nelson

I am grateful for what you put out. I go to united fellowship chaple and am metaphysical. All I have to say is thank you, to all our sisters and brothers involved. I send healing and happiness to all. Peace and happiness be with you.... and within you. ~ Virginia known as 'gin46' on "TagWorld"

Hello everyone and blessings and love to you -- what can I say-- the energy today is just absolutely awesome -- so much opening, so much willingness, so much discernment coming in from the other dimensions. We have done an awesome job today as Light workers and humans -- thank you with all my heart and on behalf of Metatron and the whole universe. Have fun and relax now. Love and Blessings from, ~ Carol May - Sacred Voice for the Light

Great job BBS Team with the new Auto Archiving feature! This Auto Archiving feature is wonderful ... thank you don and BBS ~ Nima Baghaei

Thank you for writing back. I know I will really enjoy the shows. All the best to you and to BBS Radio. I hope we talk again sometime! ~ Ann Wilkinson

Aloha! I happened across your 24-Hour music channel and all I have to say is WOW!!!! I think I've found my place here. Wherever you find the music you use, whoever is talented enough to pick it and to whoever sits behind the mic, Thank You! Or in Hawaii, Mahalo, One Love, ~ Jennifer Tiernay from Honolulu, HI